Holiday Packing to Your Auto Insurance Coverage

Auto insurance isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when you’re talking about the holidays-but maybe it should be!

With Christmas right around the corner it’s time to start firming up your travel plans and maybe, just maybe, getting the ball rolling on all that pre-holiday prep you still have to do! There’s nothing like going home for the holidays, but nothing’s ever as simple as just hopping in your car and taking off. You’ve got a lot to do before you can get those wheels turning!

First and foremost, are you going to be traveling with your pets? It doesn’t matter where in the world you’re going. Whether you’re skipping across state lines or hopping a plane to Europe, your pets are going to need their rabies vaccine and a certificate from their vet saying they’re happy, healthy and fit for travel. If you have dogs you’re going to want to check out the breed requirements where you’re going. Some states have very specific rules regarding where your dogs are allowed to walk, play and do their business.

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How’s your packing going? If you’re going by car you don’t have much to worry about when it comes to your packing, but traveling by air is a completely different story. Baggage check is going to charge you by the weight of your bag, so it’s a good idea to pack as lightly as possible. Most hotels, motels and hostels offer access to a laundry service, and Mom and Dad almost never complain about offering you temporary use of their washer. It makes them feel like you’re back in college again! Pack for two or three days and call yourself done. You can do your laundry when you get there.

Carry-on bags are also suspect, so if you’re the type who prefers to just pack their carry-on bag and call it a day you might find yourself fighting an uphill battle. Things like deodorant, shaving cream, after shave and cologne have to weigh 3 oz or less, or security will take great pleasure in snatching them from you and tossing them in the trash. That hurts when you buy your perfume at $1,500 an ounce!

Traveling by car takes care of those pesky luggage problems (although you’re still going to have to schedule a visit to your vet!). It does, however, raise the question of whether or not your auto insurance is ready to travel with you. Before you take off, make sure you’re clear on what your insurance will and will not cover when you’re out of town. This goes double if you’re planning on leaving the states, since most American insurance policies aren’t accepted once you’re off US soil. You’re going to need to pick up a policy from the locals or risk facing the wrath of local law enforcement.

Christmas is the best time to travel, but you should never travel unprepared. Check airline requirements for your luggage, make an appointment with your vet (sooner rather than later) and place a call to your auto insurance agent. Once you’ve done that, the only thing left is to sit back and enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

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